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Tarot Reading Prices

To purchase an "offline" reading, send me your chosen amount to any of the payment apps listed above. Please include your name (if not included in payment itself), along with what you'd like your reading to be about and where you'd like me to send the video and photos (email, text, fb messenger, etc).

To purchase an "online" reading, send me your chosen amount to any of the payment apps listed above. Then email me ( to schedule our digital reading! I use Zoom (free), Skype, FB Messenger, WhatsApp or Discord.

Tarot readings can be about nearly anything!

Take a look at this list for ideas!

career / work
making a choice
finding balance
learn from a past life

advice from an ancestor
self-growth & development
dream interpretations
full or new moon intentions

Here are some websites I regularly use for inspiration!

Tarot With Jenny

Labyrinthos Spreads

Emerald Lotus Spreads

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